Episode 4: Nurture Your Most Important Relationship 

So often, we focus so much on our relationships with others, that we forget to put that same energy into the relationship that we have with ourselves. We are often putting ourselves, our needs, our desires, and everything else on the back burner. It is like we give the very best to everyone else and we simply settle for crumbs.

This way of living is not only harmful to your self esteem, self worth and mental health, but it is indicative of your belief system. A deep rooted belief that you are not deserving or worthy of the same love that you give to others.

And the reality is, this is not a quick fix. I won’t even try to give you a list of things to do to instantly improve your relationship with yourself. However, I will give you a list of questions to ask yourself to help you get more clarity on how you can start the process with care.

  1. How often do you carve out intentional time to nurture your relationship with yourself?
  2. If you could change anything about how you treat yourself, what would that be?
  3. What prevents you from taking time to care for and nurture yourself?
  4. Growing up, who provided you positive examples of how to love and nurture yourself?
  5. Who inspires you now to love and nurture yourself?


Psychology Today Article – https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/emotional-fitness/201205/10-ways-nurture-your-relationship 

Mel Robbins “The High Five Habit” – https://amzn.to/3K5t2Mn 

Join my Facebook Group – www.NourishedLifeLounge.com

My weekly Newsletter – www.NourishedLifeWeekly.com 


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  • Stress-Free Success for Professional Women Guide – Free resource to help professional women with busy schedules and demanding roles & responsibilities reduce stress, prevent burnout, and increase productivity.  Click Here